Article Originally appeared in The Pilot Newspaper
It’s the fastest-growing company in Moore County, but there’s a good chance you haven’t heard of it. Like dozens of military contractors and local defense industry businesses, this consulting firm is operating quietly and efficiently.
Veterans Guardian, founded by Scott Greenblatt and William Taylor in August 2017, has grown from two employees a year ago to 50 full-time positions today. Nearly every member of the staff is a veteran, spouse of one or active-duty military spouses.
“As a veteran-owned and operated organization, we are excited about the economic impact we have achieved and look forward to continued growth in the area,” Greenblatt said, noting their goal is to grow the business by another 25 fulltime positions this year.
Veterans Guardian is a pre-filing consulting firm that helps veterans navigate the labyrinth of Veterans Administration claim forms, “to achieve the disability rating they are entitled to for their honorable service when they file their claim for disability compensation.”
Importantly, Greenblatt explains, there are organizations that provide free services for veterans to support the filing of claims for VA benefits – groups such as the VFW and DAV (Disabled American Vets) – and veterans can use consulting services in coordination with these free services.
“We are fee-based and we are upfront about that. We only work with clients that understand these other options are available and have elected to retain our services. We view this as doing your taxes. It can be complex and you might want to hire an expert if you need help.”
Based in Pinehurst, Greenblatt started Veterans Guardian as a start-up business in his house. The company then moved to a 100-square foot office space, to a small building they quickly outgrew, to a newly constructed 8,800-square-foot facility on Trotter Hills Circle off N.C. 5.
Most of their client work is done by telephone and computer, with a few walk-ins throughout the day.
“We could have picked anywhere in the world to put this business. We chose Moore County. This is my home. This is where I’m raising my children. And this is where I wanted to have the business.”
Veterans Guardian occupies a new 8,800 square foot building in Pinehurst. Ted Fitzgerald/The Pilot
A retired Lieutenant Colonel, Greenblatt first enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private, in 1991, and was later commissioned in 1996. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida and a master’s degree from the National Defense University, D.C.
Veterans Guardian COO William Taylor is also a retired Lieutenant Colonel. He graduated from the United States Military Academy and was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1995.
Their clients include military veterans of any length of time in service who have sustained physical or mental impacts as a result of their service.
“Many of our vets are underserved by the systems out there. The VA is an overtaxed organization. No one organization can truly meet all the needs.”
By assisting veterans with compiling the “right forms in the right order and in a language they recognize,” Greenblatt said their success rate in achieving favorable action is “proof that the VA will do their job.”
“It is clearly a bureaucratic process,” he said, noting there is a backlog of approximately 100,000 claims. Some veterans will wait three to six years for action, whereas Veterans Guardian clients typically see a response in 90 days.
“There is nothing magical about the process. What we do is play by the rules. We do things exactly the way they want and that is the secret.”
Each client is provided with a case manager to help them compile the necessary paperwork – which can run upwards of 300 pages for medical claims – and has its own in-house investigation team.
Currently, the company has a 95 percent success rate in achieving favorable action. Yet Veterans Guardian does not represent the veteran and does not file claims on behalf of their client.
“That is important to understand. We are a pre-filing consultant,” Greenblatt said. “But the system can inevitably become adversarial. A lot of veterans feel like they need to be a lawyer, a doctor, and a wizard to know what they’re talking about. No veteran should feel lost or discouraged when they are applying for the benefits they are medically and ethically entitled to.”
The company is also heavily involved in community service outreach, particularly with military and veteran service organizations such as The Patriot Foundation, Special Forces Charitable Trust and Duskin and Stephens.
Greenblatt said they are proud of their accomplishments.
“We have been in business a short time and are already making a big impact.”
If you need assistance in filing for your VA disability claims, you can contact Veterans Guardian today for more information.