To set the record straight, we want to talk about five of the most common VA disability myths and misconceptions. Because most Veterans are unaware of the various benefits they can be receiving from the VA, we are here to help.
I don’t deserve disability pay. Other Veterans need compensation because they are worse off.
Filing a VA disability claim lets the VA know you have a health condition that is a result of serving in the military. The Department of Veterans Affairs gives you a rating decision on one or more conditions, depending on the strength of evidence that is presented.
By achieving a VA rating of 10% or more, you receive monthly disability compensation and access to VA Medical Care. Generally, the earlier you file your claim, the easier and sooner you get coverage for your condition(s). Usually, conditions will worsen over time. Your disability claim exists to help you cover the costs of your healthcare needs as time goes on.
Filing a VA disability claim does not mean that you are taking away from Veterans with more severe conditions. It also does not mean you are taking unfair advantage of the system. Instead, you are simply seeking a benefit that you are potentially eligible for after your time in the military.
Getting VA Disability benefits will take them from someone who deserves them.
The VA exists to serve ALL Veterans. You owe it to yourself to seek the benefits you have earned and are entitled to through your service. Don’t be fooled by disability myths. Get the knowledge you need to ensure the maximum benefit from the VA today!
I left active duty years ago and now it’s too late to file a claim.
You can file your disability claim at any time after your service. People wait to file their claim for various reasons, but there’s no deadline for submitting a claim. Typically, it’s easier to file a claim shortly after your time in the military has come to an end. However, certain conditions may not occur until years after leaving military service. Therefore, it is never too late to file a claim or seek an increase in your rating.
VA Disability compensation will reduce my retirement pay.
This is true for a retiree with a VA disability rating of 40% or lower. The VA will reduce a military retiree’s retirement dollar-by-dollar based on the amount of disability compensation they receive from the VA. Wonder why? It’s because veterans “waive” their retirement pay to receive VA compensation.
Retirees with a rating of 50% or higher are eligible to receive Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payments (CRDP). CRDP awards Veterans their full military retirement pay, in addition to full VA Disability compensation payment.
If I receive a 0% disability rating for a condition, I won’t receive payment.
There are certain conditions where a Veteran may receive special compensation with a 0% rating. For example, erectile dysfunction. When a 0% disability rating occurs, the VA recognizes the condition is connected to your military service. However, you won’t always receive a payment for a 0% condition. In some cases, certain conditions, such as erectile dysfunction, max out at 0%. It’s important to realize if the condition worsens and you have new medical evidence to prove it, you can file a new claim to potentially get an increase.