Veterans can apply for disability compensation, which comes with a schedular rating that determines the amount of help you’ll receive.
When you’re injured in the military, you could be eligible for a VA disability rating after you leave the service.
These benefits, including monetary compensation, are dependent on your VA schedular rating, which is a percentage out of 100 the VA uses to determine how severe your disability is at that given moment.
The rating is awarded in increments of 10 up to a maximum of 100%. Veterans Affairs will look at your injuries, including any documentation and medical records you present, to determine how much assistance to provide you with at that time.
If you have a current service-related injury, filing a claim and getting a schedular rating is the first step to take on the road to benefits.
Here’s what you should know about schedular ratings and how they affect your benefits.
Are you eligible for VA disability compensation?
Before applying for benefits, you should make sure that you’re eligible for compensation. The gist is that you must have a condition that affects your body or mind that you can link to your time in the service.
To file for a VA claim, the injury or illness must be service-related, or it must have been a pre-existing injury or illness that worsened by military service.
Conditions that are commonly eligible for benefits include chronic back pain, loss of range of motion, breathing problems, hearing loss, and ulcers. Brain injuries, cancers, PTSD, depression, and anxiety are also covered.
How schedular ratings work
Your schedular, or disability, rating is a number out of 100 that signifies the severity of your injury or cumulation of injuries and defines the benefits that you’re eligible to receive. The figure represents how much your disability is decreasing your overall health.
The lowest schedular rating you can receive is 10%. In 2020, a 10% disability rating gives a monthly payment of $142.29, while 20% equals $281.27/month.
If you have a schedular rating above 30%, you can receive additional funds to support dependents.
For a 30% rating, you’ll get $435.69 per month, while 40% is $627.61, 50% is $893.43, and 60% is $1,131.68. Your compensation will increase to $1,426.16 monthly with a 70% disability, all the way to $3,106.04 for a 100% schedular rating. These are base rates for a single veteran, with additional money available for those with dependents.
The VA uses a formula to determine your schedular rating if you have more than one injury or illness, as well.
The rating you receive isn’t permanent. The VA can reevaluate you to see if your condition has worsened. This generally happens after you file a claim for a rating increase.
You can also work while receiving VA compensation as long as you are not 100% unemployability or total disability individual unemployability (TDIU).
Other benefits you can expect
In addition to financial compensation, your illness or injury could leave you with health care benefits. Every health care package is unique, as it’s dependent on your current health conditions, your priority group, and the recommendations given by your doctor.
Your schedular rating is one aspect that determines your priority group and can help you gain health care benefits.
If your disability leaves you in a difficult financial situation, you could receive cost-free medical care for unrelated conditions and the reimbursement of travel expenses when visiting a VA health care facility.
Additional features that are dependent on your injuries include education benefits, vocational rehabilitation, home loans, adapted housing grants, life insurance, and eligibility for a national cemetery burial.
How to receive your schedular rating
To get your disability rating, you’ll begin by filing a claim. The VA will use the evidence you provide, such as medical test results, the results of your VA claim exam, and any information collected by federal agencies to determine your disability rating.
If you’re unhappy with your rating, or your condition worsens after it’s assigned, you can file an appeal or for a rate increase. You will need to submit new information to support the claim.